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Legal Minor Ball

Volunteer Requirements

2025 Legal Minor Ball Volunteer Requirements
T-ball & Coach Pitch - $50 deposit/player = 2 hours
All Others - $100 deposit/player = 4 hours

In order to keep fees lower, LMB requires certain volunteer requirements. Some of these requirements are actually mandatory from the leagues that we play within. For example we are required to attend meetings as well as tournament shifts otherwise we are fined

*** Please note that if volunteer hours are not met Volunteer cheques will be deposited

Head Coach fills entire family volunteer requirements
Assistant coach - assigned by coach @ start of season 1 player
Manager - assigned by coach 1 player
Peewee Tournament shift  - May 24-26- 4 hours
18U Memorial Tournament shift - May31- June 2- 4 hours
Fete shifts - July 26-28- Actual hours of the shift signed up for -  can not be in the candy booth
Equipment Round up - end of the season Actual hours

Executive Members fills entire family volunteer requirements & 20% discounton fees - given at the end of the season
Registrar fills entire family volunteer requirements & 20% discounton fees - given at the end of the season
Umpire Coordinator fills entire family volunteer requirements & 20% discounton fees - given at the end of the season
Diamonds/Scheduler fills entire family volunteer requirements & 20% discounton fees - given at the end of the season
Social Media fills entire family volunteer requirements & 20% discounton fees - given at the end of the season
Equipment Manager 2 players
Volunteer Coordinator  2 players

Coach Coordinator 1 player
Training Coordinator 1 player
Fundraising Coordinator 1 player
Parent Liaison 2 players

SAMBA liason 1 meeting = 4 hours
GEMSA liason 1 meeting = 4 hours
ERRBL liason 1 meeting = 4 hours

2025 Ball Registration


2025 AGM - January 30th @7pm @ Legal School Cafeteria


Nights of Play


Pictures??? - Lets Share them!
